- EAN: 4260494435832
- Lagernd: 267
- Anzahl Disks: 1
The Godfather Of Soul
James Brown zählt zu den bedeutendsten Musikern des 20. Jahrhunderts. Von Rhythm & Blues und Gospelmusik geprägt entwickelte er schnell seinen eigenen Stil und wurde so zum Godfather Of Soul. Viele seiner Hits, wie Please, Please, Please oder I Got You (I Feel Good) sind heute absolute Klassiker. Neben seiner herausragenden Stimme war James Brown auch ein Ausnahme-Performer. Sein extravaganter Tanzstil, seine unglaublich engen Hosen und sein Hang zu Make-Up machen seine Auftritte bis heute unvergessen und inspirierte eine ganze Generation kommender Popmusiker. Beim legendären Boxkampf „Rumble In The Jungle“ zwischen Muhammad Ali und George Forman in Zaire war James Brown der Showact. Er war viermal verheiratet und trotz Millionen verkaufter Platten einige Male komplett pleite, zudem verbrachte er sogar zwei Jahre im Gefängnis. Der mehrfache Grammy Gewinner hat sein Leben gelebt und uns Musik für die Ewigkeit hinterlassen.
The Godfather Of Soul
James Brown counts among the most important musicians of the 20th century. Influenced by Rhythm & Blues and Gospel music he quickly developed his own style and became the Godfather Of Soul. Many of his hits like Please, Please, Please or I Got You (I Fel Good) are absolute classics today. Besides his outstanding voice James Brown was also an exceptional performer. His extravagant dance style, his unbelievably tight trousers and his penchant for make-up make his performances unforgettable and inspired a whole generation of upcoming pop musicians. At the legendary boxing match „Rumble In The Jungle“ between Muhammad Ali and George Forman in Zaire James Brown was the show act. He was married four times and despite millions of records sold, he was completely broke several times, and he even spent two years in prison. The multiple Grammy winner has lived his life and left us music for eternity.
- I Got You (I Feel Good)
- Night Train
- Please, Please, Please
- I Want You So Bad Try Me
- Bewildered
- I Love You, Yes I Do
- I´ll Go Crazy
- Lost Someone
- Strange Things Happen
- You´ve Got The Power
- Hold My Baby´s Hand
- Why Do You Do Me
- Stay With Me
- Get Up
- I Feel Like Being Like A Sex Machine [live recording]
Format: | 1LP |